EIU Student Handbook


Welcome to The European International University – Paris, executive education programme. This information is intended to provide you with a brief introduction to the skills necessary for becoming a successful online learner.

You may also hear online learning referred to as:

  • Distance learning
  • Distributed education
  • Online education
  • E-learning

We would like to refer to our online learning as ‘Executive Education

Despite its name, executive education offers unique challenges and opportunities. The ideas presented here are not going to turn you into a model online student overnight, but hopefully they will help you develop enduring strategies for success. We hope that you will explore the resources and suggestions offered here and will find your online experience rewarding.

Executive Education offers the opportunity to attend classes at your own convenience any time and any place. Using the Internet, you can receive instruction, compose and submit assignments, ask questions in the forums and to the other students, discuss issues and actively participate in everything all from your home, your office, or the nearest campus computer lab. EIU-Paris is committed to providing quality faculty, programmes and services.


No matter how convenient or flexible executive education may be, taking a course online requires time. You might save commuting time in an online course, but you might also spend more time with technology concerns. Whether the time you spend on course related work is more or less than you might experience in a traditional, classroom-based course, it is still time you need to reserve and manage carefully. When evaluating your online course options, consider how much time you have to dedicate to coursework every week during the semester, and estimate the time commitment the course will require.

Managing Time
Online learners often benefit from carefully structuring what time they have available. Identify what time of day or night you do your best work, and when you are able to access the Internet and your course materials. Set aside a certain time each day, or a few days during each week, to work on your course, and stick to this schedule. Be aware at the start of the course whether you are required to participate in activities at any specific times, and plan accordingly. If you are in a different time zone, remember to plan accordingly for your course submissions.


Successful learners interact frequently with the fellow students during course activities. As an online student, effective communication is key, but can be difficult. Without the face-to-face contact of a traditional classroom, written communication becomes paramount. Since written communication lacks the facial expressions, tone of voice and other non- verbal cues seen or heard during face-to-face communication, the following tips are recommended:

  • Identify course and section in the subject line of email.
  • When asking a question, be specific and provide details about what you are trying to inquire about.
  • Figure out what you don’t understand.
  • Always identify yourself in the message.
  • Keep it simple – be clear and concise.
  • Avoid using jargon and overusing “big” words.
  • Use concrete, specific words rather than vague, general words.
  • Write professionally, but as you would speak.
  • Avoid “texting” language, foul language or slang.
  • Vary your sentence length, but avoid very long,run-on sentences.
  • Write in a positive tone.
  • Do not respond in anger.
  • Always edit and proofread your work before you send it.
  • Check spelling and grammar.


Vital to a successful executive education experience is the ability to balance your responsibilities. Knowing how to set priorities is the key to getting the greatest benefit from your online education experience. Determine early in the semester exactly what work is required and do your best to plan ahead. Do not hesitate to ask for advice or help from your EIU coordinator.

  1. Managing Stress
    Strategies for managing course-related stress include:
  • Know your deadlines. These include course deadlines as well as deadlines and important events occurring elsewhere in your life while you are enrolled in the course.
  • Plan ahead. If you know that your time will be consumed by a non-course related activity during a particular week, do your course-related activities ahead of time.
  • Know your available resources, especially technological resources, and have them at hand when you are working in your course.
  1. Student Accountability
    The further you progress in higher and continuing education, the more responsibility you will need to take for your own learning.
  2. Self-Directed Learning
    As you explore the many avenues of learning available and begin to define your individual path, you will still need to work with the fellow students to make sure you are meeting the requirements of the courses.
  3. Understand Expectations
    In order to meet course requirements, you will need a clear understanding of these requirements and expectations. EIU-Paris will provide a syllabus which acts as a contract between you and the university. Read through the syllabus carefully and print it out.
  4. Seek Clarification
    If you have questions regarding content, contact EIU immediately. Your questions may help others in the learning process as well. So ask, early and as often as necessary.
  5. Become an “Active Learner”
    To be successful in this environment, actively seek ways you can best understand the course material.
  • Read, listen to, and participate in the course
  • Become involved in discussing and defining course topics
  • Critically evaluate the information you receive
  1. Develop Self-Discipline
    Self-discipline may be the most important characteristic of a successful online learner. With it, you have a tool that leads you to become an efficient time manager, and without it, you may encounter difficulties. Here are some tips to help:
  • Know when assignments are due; print your syllabus and course schedule/calendar.
  • Set up a schedule of when you will log in to the class and stick to it
  • Minimize distractions while online
  • Ensure consistent access to a computer
  • Have an alternative plan in case you have computer problems


Building a “Classroom” Environment

Executive Education does not mean that you are learning alone. You will have a class consisting of fellow students, and perhaps others with whom you will interact. You will have to build a class environment through discussion questions, group projects, and other activities. You help build this classroom environment through your participation. Seeing and speaking to others is not a necessary component in getting to know someone. Through your messages and discussions, both delayed (asynchronous) and real-time (synchronous), you have the opportunity to develop personal and professional relationships.

The classmates you get to know online may come from very diverse situations and can offer a wealth of knowledge and experience. Your fellow classmates may provide resources, information and support. Look for areas where you may post reviews for books you have read on pertinent topics, links to online resources, and observations for specific topics. Within your ‘classroom’, you and your fellow classmates can build a collective knowledge base which may become invaluable even after your coursework is completed.


  • Be aware of and comply with policies and procedures, deadlines, and graduation requirements found within this catalog and the Student Handbook.
  • Monitor progress toward completion of graduation requirements.
  • Comply with the content of the Student Handbook and Student’s Rights and Responsibilities.

EIU-Paris expects high standards of honesty and integrity from all members of the community. The university is committed to creating an environment that facilitates the academic and personal growth of its members. The university, therefore, has a duty to protect its educational purpose through the setting of standards of scholarship and conduct


EIU-Paris is committed to protecting your privacy. The University has established this privacy policy for students taking classes online and is providing it to you so that you can understand the manner in which EIU-Paris collects and uses your information and the efforts we use to protect it.

The University does not collect any personally identifiable information about you unless you affirmatively choose to make such information available to us. By personal information, we mean information that can be used to identify or contact an individual apart from the student. EIU-Paris does not actively share personal information about website visitors or students. Personal information provided by visitors, such as email addresses or information submitted via online forms, is used by the University to assist individual visitors as necessary. This assistance may involve redirecting an inquiry or comment to another University individual or unit better suited to provide resolution.


a.Know Your Learning Style
Not all online classes are presented in the same way. Knowing your learning style can be beneficial whether you are taking a course in a classroom or online. There are many different styles of learning. Some of us are visual learners; we learn and remember by seeing things (seeing it). Some learn best by listening to a lecture (hearing it). Others are hands-on learners; they need to manipulate objects to demonstrate learning (doing it).

These are some sites that offer free questionnaires to determine your individual learning style:

There are many different theories and styles of learning, that have been categorized into three general styles – The Visual Learner (the seer), The Tactile Learner (the doer), and The Aural Learner (the hearer).

  1. Three Types of Learning
    i. The Visual Learner (the “Seer”)
    If you have identified that you are a visual learner, meaning that you learn best by “seeing” the course information presented in various ways, here are strategies to consider:
  • Course information will usually be presented in a text format, so you will see and read the course information on the computer and textbook. Read the text, examine diagrams or pictures, and then relate what you see to what you read.
  • Textbook materials enhance written lectures by providing diagrams, maps, illustrations, etc.
  • Research other Internet sites which could provide additional information about the topic.
  • Read the course description from the EIU website prior to taking the course.
  1. The Tactile Learner (the “Doer”)
    If you process information using a tactile, hands-on approach, here are some suggestions that may help in your online course:
  • Engage in discussions with other students in your online class.
  • Identify online courses that have a lab or other experiential component.
  • Find others who are taking the course and form study groups.
  • Contact the EIU support for information prior to taking the course.

iii. The Aural Learner (the “Hearer”)
If you learn best by listening to lectures and discussing in class, then online courses may present a challenge for you. You may need to adapt your learning style to the visual text-based format used in most online courses. Knowing what the course involves ahead of time, before the class begins, might be your best avenue for determining if taking an online class is for you. Here are some strategies that may help:

  • Read the course description from the EIU website
  • Talk with other students who have taken online courses, particularly the one you are interested in taking
  • Identify courses that have a video component. Check out the website for further information.


In the executive education environment, some responsibilities shift from the instructor to the student, given the independent nature of the learning experience. In addition to setting and sticking to your own schedule, reading all the assigned chapters and keeping up with due dates, you must do a few things to make the distance learning process work:

  • Do not procrastinate!
  • Make sure you keep a copy of every assignment you submit.
  • Check with the instructions for the file format for assignments and how to submit them.
  • Identify yourself in all email messages using your actual name, as your email address.
  • Evaluate the course delivery method as well as the course. Ask for help when you need it.


Given the lack of face-to-face contact in executive education. High expectations are held for the level of maturity and integrity in the distance student. The following is taken from the PCC Plagiarism Policy:

Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is “the wrongful act of taking the product of another person’s mind and presenting it as one’s own” (Alexander Lindey, Plagiarism and Originality, 1952)

Plagiarism Policy:
Plagiarism is the act of taking another person’s writing, conversation, song, or even idea and passing it off as your own. This includes information from:

  • Web pages, books, songs, television shows, email messages, interviews, articles, artworks or any other medium.

Whenever you paraphrase, summarize, or take words, phrases, or sentences from another person’s work, it is necessary to indicate the source of the information within your paper using an internal citation. It is not enough to just list the source in a bibliography at the end of your paper. Failing to properly quote, cite or acknowledge someone else’s words or ideas with an internal citation is plagiarism.

Up to 25% plagiarism can be accepted for the lecturers to grade the paper. Disciplinary sanctions for violating EIU-Paris standards relating to academic dishonesty include a failing grade for the course and/or dismissal from the university.


EIU will process the refund to the students as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 working days from the day on which they received the mail confirming it.

  • Immediate Cancellation: If a student wishes to cancel the programme immediately after the enrollment i.e., before accessing any of the modules, then the refund would be 50% of the tuition fee paid.
  • Cancellation after accessing 1 module: If a student wishes to cancel the programme after initiating 1 module (Irrespective of whether the module is completed) then the refund would be 25% of the tuition fee paid.
  • Cancellation after accessing 2 modules: If a student wishes to cancel the programme after initiating 2 module (irrespective of whether the module is completed) then there would be NO refund.


This document will help you get started as an online learner. Don’t hesitate to ask when you have a question, feel free to call or email the helpdesk, or send an email to info@eiu.ac