B.Ed - Programme Fee

BBA -Programme Fee

BBA Top-Up - Programme Fee

BS IT & Data Science Top-Up - Programme Fee

PGD - Programme Fee

MBA - Programme Fee

MDT - Programme Fee

MDL - Programme Fee

MS in IT & Data Science - Programme Fee

MSIET - Programme Fee

MSMHP - Programme Fee

Practitioner Doctorate - Programme Fee


EUR € 20,000

The final fee of €5,000 is conditional and applies only if the applicant is granted a scholarship of up to 75%. This means that if the scholarship granted to the applicant is less than 75%, the final fee will be adjusted accordingly, and the applicant will pay a higher total programme fee.

Furthermore, the percentage of scholarship granted to an applicant depends on the strength of their application and the quality of the personal statement they submitted. The admissions committee will evaluate the application and assess its merits based on several factors, such as academic achievements, relevant work experience, leadership potential, and the quality of the applicant’s personal statement.

If the application is particularly strong and demonstrates exceptional potential, the committee may consider granting a scholarship of up to 75%, which would result in a lower final fee for the applicant. On the other hand, if the application is weak or lacks the necessary qualities, the scholarship granted may be less than 75% or even none at all, which would result in a higher final fee for the applicant.

In summary, the final fee of €5,000 is not a fixed amount but varies based on the percentage of scholarship granted, which in turn depends on the strength of the applicant’s application and personal statement.

CTUAL - Programme Fee

CTUDL - Programme Fee

DISEN - Programme Fee

EIU Configurable Program Fee Structures:

Our affordable fee includes high-quality asynchronous learning materials. However, we understand the importance of live teaching and faculty contact. With our configurable program fee structure, students can now access personalized instructions, mentoring, and direct interaction with our esteemed faculty at differentiated program fees. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to enhance your education, deepen your understanding, and receive valuable guidance tailored to your needs.

Please note that these configurable program fees are payable on top of the regular program fee. Here are the options:

  • €500

    10 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €1,000

    20 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €1,500

    30 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €2,000

    40 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction:

  • €2,500

    50 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €3,000

    60 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €3,500

    70 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €4,000

    80 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €4,500

    90 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €5,000

    100 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

Contact our team or visit our website to learn more about the configurable program fee structure and unlock the benefits of faculty access at EIU-Paris! Empower your education today.

  • €500

    10 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €1,000

    20 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €1,500

    30 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €2,000

    40 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction:

  • €2,500

    50 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €3,000

    60 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €3,500

    70 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €4,000

    80 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €4,500

    90 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

  • €5,000

    100 hours personalized faculty mentoring and interaction

Contact our team or visit our website to learn more about the configurable program fee structure and unlock the benefits of faculty access at EIU-Paris! Empower your education today.