€ 20,000


MIN. 2 Years


Distance / 100% Online


4 programmes



The Practitioner’s Doctorate degree programmes offered at the European International University (EIU-Paris), are aimed at further enhancing professionals in 3 specific vocational fields, namely business administration and management (D.B.A. and D.Man.), teaching and education (Ed.D.), as well as psychology (Psy.D.).

Since the Practitioner’s Doctorate programmes are undertaken by professionals working in specific vocational sectors, the programmes focus on, and revolve around real-life issues, challenges, and problems that impact workplace dynamics, interactions and performance.

Action research carried out by EIU-Paris’ doctorate students are aimed at solving some of these real-life issues and challenges, along with contributing to the existing body of knowledge and scholarly theories in  the field of management, education, and psychology. 

Further, EIU-Paris provides two routes to pursuing and completing its Practitioner’s Doctorate degree programmes, namely:

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American Dual Degree Option

Students successfully completing all the requirements for EIU’s D.B.A. and D.Man. qualify to apply for an American Dual Degree (second award) from the California Metropolitan University (CMU), CA, USA (https://cmu.ac/), along with being granted Associate Member of the International Alliance for Business Professionals, IABP, USA (http://iabp.us/).

American Dual Degree Option

Students successfully completing all the requirements for EIU’s D.B.A. and D.Man. qualify to apply for an American Dual Degree (second award) from the California Metropolitan University (CMU), CA, USA (https://cmu.ac/), along with being granted Associate Member of the International Alliance for Business Professionals, IABP, USA (http://iabp.us/).

Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A)


Doctor of Management (D.M.)


Doctor of Strategic Leadership (D.S.L.)


Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A)


Doctor of Management (D.M.)


Doctor of Strategic Leadership (D.S.L.)


Legalization of CMU Dual Degree

Students will be able to get their American Dual Degree Legalized at a fixed cost of $USD 900, by the following legal bodies in the USA:
1. Notary Public
2. California State Certification
3. United States Department of State

Sample Award DBA
Legalization of CMU Dual Degree

Students will be able to get their American Dual Degree Legalized at a fixed cost of $USD 900, by the following legal bodies in the USA:
1. Notary Public
2. California State Certification
3. United States Department of State

Sample Award DBA